Friday, July 24, 2009

Meet the man at center of Obama's race controversy

And remember; Obama said that this guy is his "friend".

Click here to meet the man at the center of Obama's race controversy

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Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor

You simply cannot discount Barack Obama's "mentors" and all of his associations with radical extremists, and try to make the argument, "But that is not who HE IS". THAT IS WHO HE IS! Obama is a radical, extremist!

Click here to read article: Gates lawyer was young Obama's mentor

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Obama's insidious war on the middle class

If I had to pick the one article that I most wanted you to read; it would probably be this one. Floyd and Mary Beth Brown absolutely "nail it" in their most recent piece titled, "Obama's Insideous War on the Middle Class"(link below), that illustrates how Obama and his policies are intentionally destroying the middle class in this country. I don't know about you; but I'm part of that middle class and Obama is waging war against me and my family and I am going to fight like hell to beat him back and defeat his radical, left-wing, agenda. I know that for some of you, you either don't believe, or don't want to believe, that this is really happening. You don't want to admit that Obama is intentionally trying to destroy the middle class, but it is fact. For those of you who doubt what I am stating is true, I would challenge you to get a copy of a book that was written by Barack Obama's mentor, Saul Alinsky. The name of the book is "Rules for Radicals" and Obama used it for his blue-print as a "community organizer" in Chicago, and he is now implementing those same principles that Alinsky taught, to destroy the middle class in this country. Get the book and compare Alinsky's Marxist teachings to what Obama's administration is doing to this country and let me know if you see some similarities? I would also challenge you to google the following terms and let me know if you see any of this going on in our country right now; Marxism, Fascism, Socialism. Let me know what you think? If you think I'm off-base; then I want to hear that too!

Click here to read: "Obama's insidious war on the middle class"

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Betsy McCaughey Exposes Obama Healthcare Lies

If you know and care about about a senior citizen, or you yourself think that you might eventually become a senior citizen; YOU NEED TO INVEST 8 MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE IN LISTENING TO THIS AUDIO WITH REGARDS TO WHAT IS IN THE "HOUSE VERSION" OF THE HEALTH CARE BILL, THAT OBAMA DOESN'T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT!


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Perhaps some of you are watching Obama, in his desperate attempt, to try and sell his government takeover of our health care system to the American people tonight, but I just can't bear to listen to his lies any more. He knows that the success of his presidency hinges on whether or not he is able to ram his health care takeover and "cap and tax" scheme down our throats, and he is smack dab in the middle of a "full-court press" and he truly sickens me. My prayer is that he is unable to get a full vote from the house and senate prior to the August recess. If that happens, then we might still have a fighting chance because the more time Americans have to find out what all is really in this bill; the better chance we will rise up in huge numbers and contact our senators and representatives to let them know that we are ABSOLUTELY OPPOSED TO THE TAKE OVER, BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, OF THE BEST (but not perfect and still in need of reform) HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IN THE WORLD!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Still not sure? See if this doesn't help you make up your mind.

This is a brilliant analogy of what Obamacare will look like by using a restaurant to illustrate. Bon Appetit!

Obama's "Grand Experiment"

Don't you believe that it wouldn't; The House Health Care Bill Would Raise Long-Term Deficits

For Obama to make the claim that the House Health Care bill will be "deficit neutral"; is absolutely LUDICROUS and is an outright LIE!

Click Here to Read Full Article!!

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